Wednesday 6 August 2008

Akon, Ludacris Say Rick Ross Should Brush Off Rumors Of Prison-Guard Past

Rick Ross' alleged gaoler past, which he has denied metre and time again, is still a hot subject in the hip-hop world.

If there is anybody out there wHO knows firsthand what Rick is going away through, it's Akon. Just as it did with Rick Ross, tried and true to blow up the singer's topographic point several months back, claiming it had proof that he didn't serve as much time in gaol as he claimed in interviews and songs. In fact, the site aforementioned Akon pleaded himself out of service of process any prison house time at all.

"It'll simply affect Ross if Ross allows it to affect him," Akon said terminal week in New York of the flak his friend is getting. "Had I gone out and entertained the article, it would experience blew the article out of proportion. Wherever they got their facts or information from, let that be what it is. You got your story out, thank you selfsame much. I bow to it and keep it moving. Now, if you wanna think about it, then you're gonna open up more worms you plausibly don't desire opened up. So all Ross has to do is preserve focusing on his music."

Akon insisted that the Smoking Gun expos� had goose egg effect on his life history. Who's to question that? He's working with Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston now.

"The whole purpose of Konvict Music was to grab ex-convicts, felons," he said. "People head in that direction and steer them in the opposite direction. Just focus on my past and try out to contradict whatever it is I might feature said or lived and don't focus on the positive things I've through with in companionship in world-wide. If you have an article, at least balance it out. Let the people know the good things I've done, the schools I've built. The kids I feed in Africa. Don't just say, 'He wasn't locked up for trey years.' I don't care if I was locked up for one and only day. It's that experience that allowed me to become that person world Health Organization I am, to construct a better society for who is listening."

The backstory Akon has told everyone is that before making music, he served time in the clink for being apart of a car-theft ring. He's patently moving past that. When it comes to Ross, some fans are locution his street credibility is compromised or downright contradicting whether he was, in fact, a prison guard.

"People know what type of dude Ross is right now," Akon's artist Kardinal Offishall chimed in at the same shoot in New York. "[They know] how exhaustive of a dude he is now. He doesn't have to prove himself to anybody. That's what an insecure person would do."

"I'll be honest with you, mankind," Ludacris offered about the situation. "When I heard about it, I honestly thought to myself, 'Some of them correction officers are some of the most crooked individuals.' Whether he did that or non, it's all what you take from it."

'Cris inferred that even if Ross was a prison guard, it didn't mean he has falsified his raps. He could have done dirt as well.

"It's a lot of crooked cops out there. They falsify the system," Luda added. "So I'm just organism real. When I heard about it, either way � if he did it, if he didn't do it � it could still be asymmetrical from it. That's what it all comes down to. So that's Ludacris' two cents on the whole Rick Ross situation. To be real with you, man, if that's how you want to manipulate the system, that's how you do it. ... You get in the system. There you bear it."

Rick Ross' next LP, Deeper Than Rap, is due after this year, according to the Miami native.

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